At Cadia, we are committed to transparent and accountable sharing of information about our environmental performance. To further enhance this commitment, we have implemented a comprehensive, real-time noise monitoring system that provides clear insights into the impacts of our operations on the local community.
Click a monitoring location on the map to view the latest noise data at that location.
Our noise monitoring system operates continuously through a network of specialised monitors around the site perimeter. The system:
Captures real-time noise and weather data, including:
LAeq (A-weighted equivalent continuous sound level)
LAeq (16Hz – 160Hz) (low frequency noise component)
Wind speed (measured at the microphone location)
Averages these measurements over 5-minute intervals
Displays both 6-hour and 24-hour rolling periods
Uses the Telstra mobile network for data transmission to our central database
Maintains active monitoring through our central database.
Our monitoring system uses sound level meters that comply with Australian Standard/New Zealand Standard International Electrotechnical Commission (AS/NZS IEC) Class 1 specifications, with a measurement range of 17-144 dB(A).
Class 1 instruments represent the highest precision grade required by NSW regulations for environmental noise compliance monitoring.
This real-time monitoring system operates 24/7 using a network of specialised monitors around the site perimeter.
This new real-time noise monitoring program adds to Cadia’s initiatives to minimise our impact on the community.
Cadia staff conduct routine attended, unattended and traffic noise surveys at Cadia and the Cadia Dewatering Facility in accordance with the Cadia Noise Monitoring Program and the Planning Consent PA06_0295.
This new real-time noise monitoring program goes above and beyond Cadia’s obligations under its operating licence, demonstrating our commitment to transparency and accountability to the local community.
Cadia understands that noise levels are often a concern for our neighbours. Providing this real-time data helps to address those concerns and ensure that our operations are as non-intrusive as reasonably possible.
Our monitors record total environmental noise in all directions, including:
Natural sounds like wind, rain, and wildlife
Community noise from vehicles, aircraft, and agricultural activities
Mining operations and other local noise sources.
The variables presented on the noise monitoring data charts include:
5-minute LAeq (dB)
5-minute LAeq (16Hz – 160Hz) (dB) (low frequency noise component)
5-minute wind speed (metres per second or m/s).
Please note that the data displayed is unvalidated, meaning it has not yet been reviewed to confirm compliance or exclude environmental factors like wind, birds, rain, or external factors like road noise, farming operations or cattle. While our compliance reporting is based on LAeq 15-minute averages, we provide LAeq 5-minute data for greater real-time insight.
Sound is measured in decibels (dB[A]), using a logarithmic scale to reflect human hearing sensitivity.
A-weighted decibels (dB[A]) account for how we perceive sound, with adjustments for low and high frequencies. LAeq measurements represent the A-weighted average noise energy over a specific time period, providing a reliable indicator of how noise is experienced.
The Low Frequency Noise Component presented in the charts is classed as industrial noise (inclusive of wind noise). This metric is defined in the NSW Noise Policy for Industry for identifying industrial noise.
LAeq and low frequency component noise statistics are affected by environmental noise, including wind. At wind speeds above 5 m/s, wind will be the dominant noise source.
If you have any questions regarding the results displayed on this page, please contact Newmont Cadia at: